Gay sex postions dictary

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Stafford is also home to a wide variety of educational institutions, boasting over 17 primary schools, 7 high schools, and various other tertiary facilities. The wider borough of Stafford has a population of ~124,531- approximately 87% of which are open homosexuals, 10% are 'just fans' of the Paul'O'Grady Show, and the remaining 3% inconclusive/ bisexual. Stafford first became (in)famous during the 2001 census, where it finally topped Brighton as housing the UK's largest homosexual-population. It was originally a market town based on the industry of shoe-making, and contains some of Britain's most interesting landmarks, such as: Victoria Park, the Elizabethan Ancient High House and the Shire Hall Art and Exhibition Gallery. 'Stafford is the county town of Staffordshire, situated between Wolverhampton and Stoke-on-Trent in the West Midlands. It is quite funny - most of it is true, but not the 'gay' bits - oh and the Staffordshire Knot is really alledged to have originated from when they wanted to hang 3 men at once - nothing to do with gay sex (I don't think!!) hahaha!! I just found this definition of my home town in (on?) the Urban Dictionary.

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